
Essence of the Helix Nebula

helixnew1Connection; a meeting of minds; successful communication between people or elements who are very different; respecting that which is very different to oneself; increases telepathy and psychic communication with the beings or spirits of other dimensions.

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Like all planetary nebulae, the stunning Helix formation has been created through gases expelled from a dying star, not once but multiple times in different directions, forming a complex three dimensional shape that scientists are still trying to unravel.

The key to this nebula and its energy is the idea of ‘boundary’, the interface between two different forms. This nebula contains a web of energetic shifts, lines where dimensions meet – converge, diverge – and create all possible routes of movement through time and space.

Thus this essence, previously named ‘Meeting Point’, allows two different people, concepts, ways of life and so on to link up successfully. It allows communication between people of different cultures, or any two people where each feels totally foreign to the other, because their viewpoints differ so widely.

It allows the two sides involved to communicate, to see where similarities lie and to appreciate and honour that which will remain forever alien. Knowledge can be exchanged, horizons can be broadened, and something new, a true link, can be created in-between.

This essence can improve one’s ability to link telepathically to others, and would be invaluable for those wishing to forge or improve links with nature spirits or spirit beings of any other dimension.

In the words of the angels:

“This essence is for the point “where worlds collide”. It is the point where realities meet, so whenever there is a clash due to different backgrounds, this essence will help each make sense of the other.

“Much understanding can be achieved with this essence – it is needed at the meeting of leaders of nations! More links between the human world and that of spirit are also being made all the time, every minute, as more and more people work to free themselves of the suffering and burden of negativity that lies so heavily on the Earth. This essence contains phenomenal power to do good, to affect real change in the world.”