Essence of the Planetary Consciousness of Titan
For serenity and self-focus; for finding the point and purpose of this incarnation; provides immense support for facing the true nature of self; the portal to the realm beyond the physical.
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Set of Six Unity Essences (for postage see Order Info)
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Titan is the planet Saturn’s largest moon. Unlike the planets of the solar system, it is not an element of an astrological chart; it is not one of the recognised forces that make up the dynamics of our psyches. However, all bodies within the solar system have a purpose. Where Saturn allows us to differentiate and value the different facets within the boundary which is Our Self, its moon Titan acts as a lens, focusing the different aspects of self to a point where we can see our true reality in a new way.
It allows us the ability to conetmplate the point of our existence. This is the true ‘I’, and this essence acts as an eye, or a lens, and through it we see Our Self from a place of total knowing. This essence allows you to move into the centre of your being, it shows you the way, the path, but when in the centre it has another gift. For those willing to move beyond their normal reality, it acts as a stepping-off place, a portal.
It is a portal to sacred understanding and awareness, of the nature of reality itself, of the Universe, and of our place within it. It leads to a place where there is nothingness, but also the infinity of all, thus this essence is a powerful meditation tool. Ultimately this experience through and beyond the portal allows us to see a reflection of the self, but a reflection of what is currently ‘not known’ or not accepted. This is truly an essence of personal reality.