Guided Essences Testimonials

“Helen’s essences and guidance have been life-changing for me. I have been through a transformation in the last eighteen months and at every critical stage Helen has been able to suggest the best essences and give me an insightful reading. Helen has knowledge that isn’t commonplace and is able to help you heal and grow into your full potential. I can’t thank her enough. My son has also benefitted hugely from the essences, supporting him to feel safe at school, able to adapt and grow, too.”

Dr Liz Sparkes, Health Psychologist

“I have had a few different essences from Helen over the past couple of years and I describe them to my friends as the “Catalyst Potions”.  Whenever major shifts of progress have happened, I seem to trace them back to riiiiight around the time I started taking her wonderful essences.  I have also gifted a few to others and they have unanimously had the same experience.  Thanks again, Helen, for sharing your gifts!”

Tyler, Vancouver

“I was very much drawn to Helen’s essences, as we work in similar fields. Her products are so unique, as their energies hold the many intricate vibrations of Creation, of different realms and of the Cosmos. Upon receiving them and using them, I felt a much deeper connection to the Angelic Kingdom, and my Heart expanded, giving me a greater perception of who I am. The energies are very intense, yet easily integrated, and capable of creating deep shifts in consciousness and connection with Spirit.”


“I met Helen in 2000 when we were both embarking on a two-year training in Vibrational Medicine with Clare Harvey. I was immediately struck by Helen’s passion, wide-ranging knowledge and her sharp intuitive abilities. Since then I have seen Helen develop her undoubted skills to an even higher level. I genuinely believe she is one of the finest energy practitioners working in the UK. I love her enthusiasm, her fearlessness, her integrity and her melodic Brummie accent.”

David Corr

UKCP Registered Psychotherapist

“Helen is a highly intuitive essence producer and practitioner, with a warm and sensitive approach. Helen’s essences are truly original and unique, drawing on her astronomical background and many years’ experience of working with essences. I have had the pleasure of testing new essences as Helen has produced them. They are a joy to use and I always look forward to working with them. They seem to cut straight to the nub of an issue, clearing the way, powerful yet gentle and supportive. I have found them particularly useful when trying to address patterns of conditioning which prevent us reaching our fullest potential – in a safe and simple way – I like to call them the ‘deep de-conditioners’! Have fun with them and do ask Helen if you’re not sure which essences to use – she’s uncannily accurate!”
Rose, Cheshire

“I met Helen in 2000 and in the intervening years have watched her psychic gifts grow, along with the faith to know she could open herself up to channel energies to produce her range of essences. I have attended some of Helen’s workshops and left in the evening having taken several of her essences over the course of the day, and then found after a period of time, that knowledge of my inner world had expanded. I have also found Helen’s range of essences taken either individually or mixed, are powerfully transformational.”

Ann, West Sussex


“My experience with Helen’s essences has been truly profound. Not only have they accelerated my psychic development but they have assisted my growth as an individual.

“There will come times in your life when you feel lost, without direction or even purpose. You could also have this feeling of ‘I’m ready for more’, then look no further as Helen’s essences can be tailor-made to work perfectly in line with both your spirit and physical being. I have used Helen’s essences to help me overcome fears, meditate, tune into spirit and for emotional/energy healing.

“I am currently using one of Helen’s mixes to help me move into a managerial role with work and management has always been something I’ve been too afraid to tackle in the past. This essence has given me a source of strength and tremendous grounding.”

Tim, Kidderminster

“I have used Helen’s essences many times over the past 8 years. Helen’s analysis is always very perceptive and the essences themselves are a gentle and effective way of dealing with stress and emotional problems, particularly for children.”
Ann, Harpenden