Guided Reading Testimonials

“Helen, thank you so so much for this reading, I’m honestly blown away at how accurate, interesting and so beautifully written this is. The way you have translated this message is so special.”

Nikki, London

“Helen’s readings have always been incredibly helpful, but my Radiant Source was by far the most profound. In a highly detailed report, using beautifully evocative writing, she has indeed managed to illuminate the heart of my difficulties and provided wonderful steps towards healing. Every word resonates, making sense of the psychological and energetic forces that have created my extremely challenging physical problems. Making sense out of issues that have felt very much out of control is in itself so calming, but her wise words have also provided so much more – HOPE – and a way forward.There is a lot to do, and I am INSPIRED! All of it is so useful, insightful, deep and rich, and each time I read it I notice and understand more and more.  Helen’s writing is a gift, truly healing and soul-awakening.”

Sarah, Stourbridge

“Helen is INCREDIBLE! I have had several readings channelled by her and even gifted more than a few to friends and family. Every single time she delivers the most beautiful messages. Some times they are tough, sometimes they are gentle and pretty, but they ALWAYS deliver the most useful information at the exact time I needed them most. Thank you Helen for the guidance!”

Tyler, Vancouver

“Via her channeling Helen is able to bring insight and clarity that I have never experienced before. Her intent is pure and her guidance and essences have enabled me to take huge leaps on my path. I recommend Helen to anyone who feels the need for insight or direction.

“Helen also produced the most beautiful and insightful astrological reading for me for the year ahead. Illustrated with powerful oracle card imagery, it has given me many supportive nudges and things to consider. I can’t recommend this beautiful and highly intuitive reading enough. It is bringing me courage and strength when considering the archetypes she laid out for me, and also thoughts about the exciting things to come. This reading supports a ‘tapping into’ of your inner gifts. Helen is very gifted and I highly recommend her services.”

Liz, psychologist, Stratford upon Avon

“Helen’s channelling propelled me to a new level of awareness and of Being. Helen’s ability to see and to hear spiritual beings, to be taken to incredible cosmic places, and to relay profound messages is unparalleled! I literally sat enraptured, mouth agape, while reading the history of my Soul, its origins, and how I was born. I wept tears of joy and of amazement, learning about my Soul’s colors, its energy, and about my guides and spiritual family. Questions that I had for many years were answered, and much deep healing resulted. I very often refer to my reading as a source of great strength, when I question life’s experiences, and sometimes go into doubt. The impact of this reading is truly beyond my description in words, so l hope the energy of my feeling written here, will impart the beauty of Helen’s work, and its significance to those of us who are searching for Completeness of Self. Her work is a tremendous resource and healer. Thank you, Helen, I am blessed to have met you, and I honor your gifts!”

Debra, PA, USA

“What an incredible journey! Helen’s work has been the most profound experience of self-discovery & healing I have experienced. Helen connects so precisely with her guide and delivered the most beneficial guidance that empowered my own revelations. I’m still amazed at the accuracy of the process. Helen is such a gifted and dedicated women, a real blessing to have worked with her. Thank you.”

Brittany, London

“I’ve known Helen for twenty years and she never fails to amaze me with her gifts and accuracy. Helen is a wonderful friend but most of all a wonderful guide. Thank you, Helen, for always touching my life with your wisdom, guidance and essences that always help me on so many levels. You truly are a natural born medium and healer.”

Rachael, Sutton Coldfield

“As a complete newcomer I was amazed at the extent the channelled reading enabled me to view my life from a different perspective – this has given me an invaluable source of comfort and clarity. Helen is fantastic to work with and I would recommend anyone to give the readings a try, as there are so many positive results to be gained.”

Tara, London

“The day Helen came into my life was the day the sun started to shine for me. She answered many questions and helped me to recognise who I really am, which has lad to a lot more contentment within myself. Thank you for touching my life.”

Jenny, Polesworth

“Helen’s readings are different to other readings. Not only that she is completely dedicated to helping people with any questions they have and has a huge pool of information – I don’t cease to be amazed by the language and method she uses. She takes me inside of a dream and while I’m wondering about the images a voice of a guide speaks directly to me and explains. Images are strong energies, archetypes you can use to focus and empower yourself – much more useful than just words. Not one reading is like the other and it is always exciting and full of wonders to read through them. She has offered me the infinity of space, the miracles of sky and stars and that is so special and has brought me a lot of peace and hope for the present and future.”

Ingrid, Mannheim, Germany