Star-Mind Combinations

The Star-Mind combinations are made from various essences out of my Guided range, woven together with extra starlight. They are aimed at moving you through powerful transformations with ease – overcoming old, deep resistance to change and re-patterning your mind for a new future. Starlight in this form is able to flood into every aspect of your Being, and every cell of you body, looking for ways to bring you fully into your own Light.

There are six essence combinations in all, and they can be obtained individually for £12 each or together in a box for £60. See below for the individual descriptions.

To order the whole set:

Price(GBP): £60.00

The Glory Within

Powerfully cleansing for mind and heart; opens one up to one’s talents and inner ‘treasure’; gently allows one to look at the ‘shadow’ side for healing; opens the heart to joy and love for oneself; works to remove the blocks to self-expression and self-development; anchors one safely when journeying through different realms; very calming.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00

Opening to New Power

For powering up and overcoming resistance to change; fills one with new fire and passion for life; works to burn away stagnation and apathy; helps one accept that one is here, in this life on the Earth; brings grounded, steady momentum for moving forward; for finding one’s sacred flame.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00

The Unifying Force

For overcoming the fear resulting from great inner conflict, when one feels one has failed in life to ‘be oneself’; works to re-unite the psyche, gathering all forgotten aspects of oneself, or ones never before realised, so that a new sense of identity can form; works very deeply to find the source of the ‘disconnect from oneself’; allows one to surrender control and let higher forces and wisdom prevail.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00

The Radiant Mind

Creates a focused nexus of new light at the centre of the mind, allowing powerful light to radiate out in all directions, along all pathways; works to clear old patterns dominating and limiting the mind’s ability to see more clearly; negotiates with inner archetypal characters to let them transform into their higher purpose.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00

The Door to New Life

Initiates a transformation where we see ourselves anew, in a bright, higher form; helps us move forward even when there are many difficulties involved, when the past is seemingly holding us down; very much a rebirth essence, helping us break through the barriers to change with confidence; activates a sense of what our life should be about.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00

Earth Star Rises

Activates powerful inner growth via a combination of earth, star and angelic energies; energy rises up through the Being on all levels; attunes all the body’s cells to respond; regenerating; helps one feel more present and in command of oneself; works to overcome very deep resistance to connecting with the rest of the world; links to the archetypes of abundance in the world so that one may be sustained better.

To order

Price(GBP): £12.00