Loving Embrace

The Gift that is the Light of Spiritual Truth


Trust in the journey; the deep safety of self-acceptance; the cocoon of universal love; opening to higher truths; the urge to understand one’s spirit; a vision of one’s importance.

An image to portray 'Loving Embrace'

An image to portray ‘Loving Embrace’

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Set of Ten Solar Essences  (postage not included, see Order Info)

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When we set out on a new journey to self-understanding, we need trust above all else – trust in ourselves, trust in the chosen path, trust that life will provide for us. This gentle, beautiful essence wraps us in an embrace that nurtures the only inner truth that matters: that of self-acceptance. For if we have this, we have the most important ‘luggage’ we could ever have for our travels. Our self-acceptance supports us and shows us that there is nothing to fear.

For we are not only human, we are Spirit, cloaked in a human life. And what is Spirit? It is the truth of our existence, it is the absolute nature of things; it is the flow that animates the perfect creation that is us. Each of us is unique in Spirit and our underlying goal is to see ourselves, to capture the spiritual truths of our lives.

This essence radiates truth and love, establishing these at a deep level, a perfect anchor at our core. This essence is one of of spiritual nourishment, for it allows us to accept the gifts of the substance of Creation, willingly held out to us in this loving embrace.