
The Gift that is the Light of Ultimate Transformation


fusionThe full fusion of all that you are and all that you wish to become; reclaiming your birthright; the last resistance to inner change is finally overcome; the heart ignites, melting the inner ice and revealing itself to the world; embracing and loving ALL that you are; a radiant and confident new self is born; a balanced life is now possible.

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Set of Ten Solar Essences  (postage not included, see Order Info for details)

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This is the deepest and most active power within the sun; that of FUSION itself, the coming together of the sun’s elements in the ultimate and inevitable change to a new form, and with it comes the blasting out of the sun’s pure energy. This is the energy of true integration, and also ignition: the new life that has been required can switch on at last.

This is the essence for those who truly wish to change, and have committed to change, yet still need help overcoming the last of their resistance to it, and wish to power their momentum on through it. It has the heat and strength of white-hot lightning. It MELTS the resisting layers around the heart so that you open to a new form of your life. It allows your heart – your passions and your desires – to be revealed. It will not allow you to keep anything hidden.

It is a MASTER essence of transformation. Where once you felt cold and restricted, you can now feel warm and open. Where once you kept your power under wraps, now it can make itself known, in its unique way. That which has remained hidden from necessity – soul gifts, latent talents – can now be brought forward to be reclaimed.

Change is turbulent and scary, like a whirling storm; this essence manages the process so that all parts of you are accessed, integrated and balanced in your new life. You can sense both the true ‘you’, yet also your place in the Unity of All.