Helen F Ward Dip. V. MED. (IFVM), BSc Hons, Dip. FAS
Essence Producer • Channelling Writer • Healer
I am a specialist channelling medium, able to communicate with Beings and levels of consciousness from many different realms, including that of Earth’s spirit guides and healers, and also that of angels. I provide a wide range of channelled information in the various readings that I do, through merging with my client’s psyche and body on different levels.
I have been guided through the years to create thirty-four essences for use in healing and rapid personal development, almost all of them gifted from the cosmos, from worlds near and yet also very, very far. I use these and other essences from all parts of the world to make up Personal Support essence blends, aimed at helping one cope with the many challenges of day-to-day life.
A big part of my own soul mission is to explore and learn about the universe on levels beyond the physical and then spread as much knowledge as possible. I became fascinated with the cosmos at a very early age – not only becoming an astrologer but also studying astrophysics at university. My training in essences not only opened me up to essences’ transforming powers, but it also opened my higher senses, enabled me to move between dimensions at will – from the depths of individual human minds to Higher Minds in the realms beyond our planet.
As I continue to develop, I am being trained up by my Star Being helpers and spirit guides to become very proficient in the use of star energy. Each star has a unique Consciousness and is very willing to work with us here on Earth.
Helen, February 2024
I am a member of both the BFVEA (British Flower and Vibrational Essence Association) and BAFEP (British Association of Flower Essence Producers). I have an honours degree in Astrophysics (Edinburgh University 1983) and a diploma from the International Federation of Vibrational Medicine (2002). I also qualified with the Faculty of Astrology Studies in 1998.