The Essence of the star Aludra
A powerful cleanser, this star severs unhelpful attachments, clearing mental debris and redundant ideas about ourselves; it liberates thinking on all levels and opens us to the new and highly different; it lays down a pattern of starlight in our neural network through which new thinking and sensing can unfold; it opens up new perceptivity for humankind, a’ super-sensitivity’ lying dormant in our DNA.
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Set of Six Blue Fire Essences (postage not included, see Order Info)
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This essence has been gifted by the star Aludra, the supergiant star that makes up the tail in the constellation Canis Major (the big dog), just to the east of Orion and below Canis Minor.

The constellation Canis Major, showing the well-known star Sirius and Aludra as the tail of the ‘dog’.
All supergiants have great power to bring to bear on the human mind, and for this star, its power is that of releasing the mental ‘ties that bind’. We can be extremely attached to many things ‒ ideas, people, self-beliefs ‒ and unwilling to move on, for various reasons. To choose to take this star essence is to commit to detaching for once and for all from that which holds us back from achieving our potential.
It has three processes of starlight transformation. First comes the light which frees up the key points of resistance within the mind, the outer layers which protect us from change. Once this is overcome, the secondary light lays down a new neural pattern throughout the mind. This pattern is a new one for humanity, to move us past our limited thinking and perception. It opens channels to super-sensitivity, laying down new pathways for all our senses. It activates what is dormant in our DNA and forces a fast evolution of our capabilities.
[This essence can be used on the pineal and on the back of the neck /occipital points to initiate CNS flow/growth. Stroke down the arms to stimulate meridians which lay dormant there to help this energy come alive in the body.]
Finally, the third form of starlight comes deep into the centre of the brain to initiate the ‘paradigm shift’ that is required, the shift into a new way of Being-thinking-feeling in the world.