New Horizon

The  Essence of the star Achernar


The crown chakra opens and the Light  of one’s creation pours in; a new sense of awareness of one’s uniqueness is found; one can express from the Source of one’s Being; the Song that is one’s Soul and Life is sung by every cell; a new horizon becomes clear at the new dawn.

An image to illustrate the energy of this essence

An image to illustrate the energy of this essence

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Set of Six Blue Fire Essences  (postage not included, see Order Info)

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This essence has been gifted by the star Achenar, the the brightest star of the constellation Erdianus (“The River”), also known as Alpha Eridani.

The constellation Eridanus, positioned to the west and south of Orion

The constellation Eridanus, positioned to the west and south of Orion

This blue star is highly unusual, as it spins so fast that it is not a sphere but stretched into an oblate shape (see below) and it also undergoes regular tiny pulsations. As a result this star sings a song that is sublime and precious. It sings of new awareness and a new horizon, for each cell of the body, and for the entire Being.

When making this essence I was told that this star held the songs of all other stars of the Galaxy within it and that its unique vibration can remind anyone or anything of their own uniqueness, the sound of their soul speaking across the universe, filling the universe. It reminds us, or informs us for the first time, that we are God, Universe and Song, three in one.

Achernar compared to the Sun

Achernar compared to the Sun

The crown chakra opens to the beautiful energy of this star, which then pours through us and out of us, in whatever way we need to express our unique nature. It works beyond the mind, via the part of us that has no resistance to it. It is particularly attuned to the throat chakra, allowing us to hear and speak the words of our own creation.