Magical Dimensions Reading

This MAGICAL DIMENSIONS reading offers you an exciting way of discovering and exploring your inner world, enabling you to see it in a brand-new light. We are all the heroes of our individual journeys through life, yet there is more than just this one aspect within us. We have a cast of individual characters known as archetypes within our psyches, all wishing to express themselves, all part of that unique person that we call ‘I’.

In this reading you will be introduced to those archetypes that are most important to you right now, that wish to tell their tale and come fully into your awareness.

I work remotely to channel the reading. Typically this is up to 3000 words long, and generally includes:

  • An overview to your life tale, and the path that is unfolding right now
  • The key characters within you that wish to emerge more, becoming fully conscious
  • How to understand these characters and thus increase your sense of empowerment in life
  • Any animal spirits that you are connected to, that wish to be part of your journey
  • Accompanying oracle cards to illustrate the landscape, helping you work through the immense power of visualisation.

Readings can be acccompanied by a personalised blend of vibrational essences, specifically chosen to support your connection to these deeper ideas of self and nature. Click HERE for more information. Readings are sent as a PDF file via email, and/or can be posted to you. For Combination orders, essence blends to be sent outside the UK incur postage. See  Order Information for more details. 

PAYMENT: Readings can be ordered and paid for below via Paypal, or they can be paid for by bank transfer. Please Contact Me for details. Once ordered I will ask for your birth details (date, place and time if possible) to make an initial link with you when I channel your reading.


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