The Essence of the Star Merope
The mind is cleansed of doubt and fear, becoming a benevolent place; the heart dances in exaltation and joy; heart and mind unite to make important life decisions; personal relationships can be seen more clearly; a vast library of inner wisdom becomes available through the light that is this star; the mind opens powerfully to ‘Unity Thinking’, overcoming barriers between ourselves and others.
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Set of Six Blue Fire Essences (postage not included, see Order Info)
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This essence has been gifted by the star Merope, one of the beautiful Pleiades cluster near the constellation of Orion, known as the Seven Sisters.The blue-white light of this star pours in like a stream, refreshing the mind and allowing it to tap into a new source of wisdom.
This light is uniting and harmonising, particularly for the mind and heart. These two find each other, coming together in joy, and then we are able to make key choices and decisions in life, knowing that both mind and heart will be satisfied. Thus this essence is good for overcoming relationship dilemmas, and for seeing past the delusions that occur within us.
But this sense of unity within, of different dimensions meeting at the deep centre of the psyche, allows more than this. It encourages new dimensions of thinking, the ability to step past old barriers, especially those that separated us from people or groups very different from ourselves. This is ‘unity thinking’, where we begin to overcome the threat of what seems different, what we perceive, perhaps, as threatening. This too, can be cleansed in this light.